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Thinking Of Buying A Greenhouse?

Due to the ever-increasing demand for food caused by the rapid increase in population, agricultural resources are becoming increasingly depleted. In the case of land, farmers have been tempted to increase their productivity by using too much fertilizer and eradicating pests with chemicals. As a result, the ecological balance has been disturbed causing many problems for farmers.

Additionally, extreme weather conditions due to global warming have raised the specter of lost productivity. Faced with these problems, the farmer may be tempted by the difficult choice of selling the land that the family has held for years.


Scientists and agricultural experts advocate that farmers use greenhouses. Basically, a greenhouse is an enclosed structure where crops can be grown in a controlled environment. Inside the greenhouse, the necessary conditions for ideal crop growth can be provided, such as water, sunlight, nutrients, temperature control and freedom from pests. Greenhouses have already been used successfully in floriculture and tests have now shown that they can be used to increase crop yields by up to 10 times. Greenhouses can be particularly useful for increasing the yield of fruits and vegetables.


Greenhouses can be built in different shapes and sizes, depending on the climatic conditions of the area in which they are to be installed. In this regard, different materials can be used in its construction. An area affected by strong weather conditions such as winds and storms will require a metal greenhouse structure to survive. Covering a greenhouse in these conditions ideally requires a shatter-resistant material, such as plastic or Plexiglas, as opposed to regular glass. Similarly, a greenhouse that is intended to be installed in a saline environment, exposed to strong sea breezes for example, requires a stainless steel structure to ensure a reasonable lifespan. On the other hand, an area exposed to light winds and light rain can simply be furnished in the form of a wooden EPS tent.


Greenhouses are especially useful during the winter. Snow, frost and hail are known to cause serious crop damage. The greenhouse can be equipped with heaters or insulation to prevent freezing at night. In addition, during the day, the greenhouse traps the sun's heat in its envelope, hence the term "greenhouse effect" used to describe global warming. The "greenhouse effect" of the enclosure would provide the high temperature needed to sustain the plants through winters.

In economic terms associated with its installation, the greenhouse is likely to pay for installation and maintenance costs by increasing the profitability of multiple plantings. In this regard, the grower must be careful to take into account the local climatic conditions before deciding on the type of greenhouse to be installed. It is strongly recommended that you consider an expert's opinion before deciding to get one.

Like all other industries, agriculture also needs innovation and the use of research to increase its profitability. In this context, the field of agriculture also carries its risks like other businesses. In this case, the risks take the form of diseases, pests and extreme weather conditions. Greenhouse reduces these risks to facilitate increased profitability. Thus, a carefully selected greenhouse will result in higher crop yields which will ultimately contribute to the economic upgrade of the farmer.

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