A greenhouse is a system that attempts to mimic the natural system in which plants grow in the wild. We should aim to provide plants with water, light, heat and nutrients in the right amounts and at the right time for the plants to thrive. Not only that, but we must aim to make the system better than nature and adjust the greenhouse system to the point where it produces the maximum yield for the minimum possible inputs.
The money we spend on lighting, heating, watering the greenhouse, feeding the plants and treating them against pests and diseases is the input. Our time is another input and often in short supply. Few of us can spend as much time as we would like in a greenhouse.
The outputs are the fruits, vegetables and flowers that we harvest from the greenhouse. Slightly less quantifiable are the physical and psychological benefits we derive from working in a greenhouse. Growing plants is a proven way to fight stress and depression.
We want to get as much production as possible from the greenhouse. Yield maximization is not at odds with personal benefits as it is a joy to be in a well-functioning greenhouse.
It is helpful to think of the overall greenhouse system as a number of interconnected subsystems. When all of these systems work in harmony, the greenhouse as a whole will function efficiently.
There are four basic subsystems: water, heat, light, and nutrients. Let's look at water first.
Water is important because it transports nutrients to the roots of plants. It is also important for plant leaves, which need water for nourishment. The atmosphere in the greenhouse must be humid, as well as the growing medium.
Simple watering by hand is often not enough when the plants are growing rapidly. An automatic sprinkler system is the perfect way to provide just the right amount of water. It can be set on a timer depending on the growing conditions and life stage of the plant.
Greenhouse air can be kept humid by misting. Automatic misting systems are available. The water tank will also help.
Where inlet water is expensive because it is metered, rainwater must be collected. The water barrel will store water from the roof of the house and the greenhouse. It can then be pumped into the greenhouse. Small and very reliable pumps are not available for this purpose.
Heating is probably the most expensive input and must be carefully controlled by a thermostat. There is no point in turning on the heating when it is not necessary. You need to carefully monitor the temperature in the greenhouse and outside.
Insulation is a good idea during the winter. This will allow you to reduce your heating bills.
The light is usually abundant and mostly empty. It only becomes a problem in winter, when the days are short and the sky is cloudy. Artificial lighting may be needed in the greenhouse.
The problem with light is that there can be a lot of it. Plants burn easily in a greenhouse and shade is vital in the summer.
Nutrients are essential for plant growth. You must feed the plants if you want the best possible results. The most controlled plant nutrition system is the hydroponic system where plant roots are suspended in a nutrient-rich solution. Plants can grow on a sheet of glass if a thin layer of nutrients continuously passes over their roots. It works well in a greenhouse environment.
When all of these subsystems are working well, there will be little or no problems with plant diseases and pests. When this happens, it is essential to examine heat, light, water and nutrient levels.
Theoretically, it is possible, in a large enough greenhouse, to have a completely closed system with no outside input except sunlight. The plants themselves will produce their own food and maintain the correct level of humidity. Reptiles and insects eat pests. There will be no
The need for human intervention. This is not feasible on a small scale and is not desirable because we want to harvest the crops that our greenhouses produce.
The human element is the most important part of your greenhouse system. You are his control system. You have to practice doing it well. As you gain experience and read up on the subject, you will become more efficient and your greenhouse will begin to function as an efficient system.