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Keeping Your Garden Green

Most gardeners work hard to maintain attractive and colorful gardens throughout the summer, but many of us forget to do what is necessary to maintain that beauty through the fall and winter. Here are some tips that will help you extend the life and appearance of your lawn by taking a few extra steps during the summer.

Let's face it, every season your garden will start to wilt and fade. But you don't have to give in to the coming winter. You can keep your garden fresh and green longer than you think.

At the first sign of this yellowish-brown tone, take action. Pinch off yellowed leaves and faded flowers as soon as you notice them. It will have immediate results, because this procedure will immediately restore the freshness of your green garden. Removing the dying parts of your plants will direct nutrients to the remaining healthy parts and add to the life of the plant. Give your lawn some water in late summer and early fall to replace depleted nutrients and low humidity.

In August, you should probably add a light dose of locally produced compost to boost your lawn a bit. It is recommended to use locally produced fertilizers as they are less likely to shock your plants. And watch the amount carefully. Excessive doses also kill plants! Organic fertilizer blends are good because they provide a diverse combination of nutrients and minerals to support a variety of plants.

grass! grass! grass! Nothing is more important to maintaining a beautiful green lawn than removing weeds as soon as they appear. It starts before you even plant your new seeds. It should be raked and sown continuously between plants, getting as close to the base stem as possible, to protect the root systems of the desired plants. Weeding will also help maintain a healthy water balance that prevents plants from drying out and turning brown. Using plenty of mulch will also help prevent weeds and conserve moisture, while keeping your lawn looking neat and tidy.

Watch out for gaps! Thinning out dead shoots, weeding and pinching will love the appearance of a few small gaps in your green lawn. Browse your local plant stores for sales and end-of-season sales, and use these plants to fill in the gaps and add some color to your green garden. It may not last long, but it will add great beauty to your garden.

For a lush garden, be sure to do your homework on the plants that thrive in your climate. Know what area you live in and plan your garden accordingly. Using the right plants is an easy way to keep a garden green longer throughout the season. These plants are likely to grow wild in many parts of your region, so they will be hardier and less susceptible to very wet or very dry conditions if they occur. Although you may want to use other plants that are not natural or native to your area, you will pay the price with early browning and greenery that dies quickly. Not worth the adventure.

After all the hard work creating a green lawn, it's worth the extra time and effort to give your lawn the best care and keep it green for weeks beyond what you'd expect without it. this extra care. Keeping your green lawn healthy and vibrant for weeks or months longer allows you and your neighbors to enjoy it more. Keeping the lawn lush after the normal growing season also combats cold weather stagnation.

These few simple actions will keep your lawn lush and productive longer than before. And your satisfaction will carry you further into the winter than you think. Really enjoy your outdoor life! Take the time to pinch, pull and mulch your green lawn all summer and into fall.

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